Words of Life

There’s something about the prophetic.

A prophetic word can bring life and hope to someone who is simply under the foot of the enemy. Satan, all too often, will do his very best to crush someone’s spirit - to kill their dream and bring so much discouragement that the person can’t even imagine a better life let alone walking the dream of their future that God has designed. But one prophetic word can change all that.

I remember when I gave a word to a pastor that was feeling so beat up. The Lord gave me a vision of this pastor with his head held low and plans he had written, crumpled up and thrown in the trash bin. I saw tears in his eyes in my vision. As I share this with him, tears began to fill his eyes in real life. Next I told him that I saw influential people threatening him with their check-book. As I shared he was shaking his head in shock. I spoke life to dreams that God was giving him for his church and declared that no threat and no voice of accusation will stop the plan of God for their ministry! Later he and his wife shared with me why so many people stood and shouted in victory as I prophesied. They shared that the atmosphere of heaviness and sorrow broke in THAT moment. The lies and schemes of satan were exposed and they shared that certain influential people had threatened them “If you go forward with this building plan we will stop tithing and you won’t be able to survive!” In an attempt to control, these foolish board members were being used of the enemy and sadly, it was working. He had stopped believing and was just unsure what to do - how to move forward, how to lead a people that didn’t want to be led. The Lord brought him victory that night! The Lord brought victory to their whole church that night!

The Bible says that prophecy lifts the heart of the believer. It “edifies” in other words, lifts up and encourages. It adds courage to the one who needs courage.

I recall giving a prophetic word to a young man about his prayer to impact men in his house in a men’s group. He was afraid he wasn’t good enough (but his wife “was good enough”) and simply hadn’t said yes. The Lord gave me a word of knowledge about it and I shared it with him. I told him “You ARE good enough because Jesus is good enough. You will lead men and you will impact their lives forever!” He was in tears. Afterwards, he told me his wife has a Bible Study and he wanted to start one but felt inadequate. God broke the lie through a few prophetic “words of life” that set him free! A year later I was preaching at a different church and he ran up to me “Remember me!? I’m the guy with the men’s bible study!” he shouted. He said “20 men come to my house every single week and we discuss God’s Word together!” He had the BIGGEST smile. God confirmed what he was praying about through a prophetic word.

Don’t discount it if God speaks to YOU today about someone else.

Don’t discount it if God nudges you to send a text, give someone a call and tell them something.

It could be the words of life that they need to move forward.

To watch a 3 part video series I’ve put together on this subject of Prophecy, click here.